Our Dad

2020 January - December

Created by Jane 4 years ago

Although our dad was nearly 92 he was quite young at heart, physically very fit until 18 months ago and was always up early, and out and about.  He spent hours in his garden and probably had the best hanging baskets in Waterlooville.  He ate out probably 5 times a week and was a regular at Ma Kellys Portchester for Fish&Chip Friday. In recent months he had taken to KFC and pizza on a regular basis and was up for trying new ready made meals though could be a bit OCD if he found one he liked, namely chilli con carnie or Thai Curry! Dad, as no longer driving liked a shot of Baileys in his morning coffee and a pint with his lunch, he even carried on with the pint through to his last days over at Pinewood. Dad never asked too much about the internet but he loved ask google on the phone, and when enquiring about something would always say is that on/in your box or can you check the box (computer), he did use his mobile although finding a big enough keyboard for those sausage fingers was a challenge, he did text and would regularly add an emoji depending on the subject and ironically he must have had foresight for coronavirus as he would regularly add the 😷when reporting on his health. The songs we have chosen for dad for his send off reflect the songs he liked and the young at heart person that he was.